Mar 6, 2022
Erev Purim

7 2022

Foundations for a Thoughtful Judaism

7:00PM - 8:30PM  

Temple Sinai (Reform)

Rochester, NY


This course is a pluralistic exploration of questions related to the collective experience of Jewish life.

Register …


7 2022


These discussions are led by Rabbi Drorah Setel, and give us the opportunity to support one another in finding ways t…


8 2022

Lion L’Chaim

7:00PM - 9:00PM  


This event is by invite only. For more information, please contact Gitana Mirochnik at


8 2022

Ora Academy Original Production “Searching for Greenblatt”

7:30PM - 9:30PM  

Temple Beth El (Conservative)

Rochester, NY


The Ora Academy girls and Derech HaTorah grades 7-8 girls will be performing an original script by Mrs. Rivka Chilung…


9 2022

This event is open to all female identifying community members. For more information, please contact Gitana Mirochnik…


10 2022

Zikaron Class

6:30PM - 8:00PM  


More information coming soon.


11 2022

PJ Library Shabbat Sing with Leah Sherman

10:00AM - 11:00AM  

Louis S. Wolk Jewish Community Center (JCC) Of Greater Rochester

Rochester, NY


Located in the JCC Family Room. You do not need to be a JCC member to attend. No registration required. Contact bborg…


11 2022


Our Shabbat services are led by Rabbi Drorah Setel with cantorial soloist, Charlene Sommers. All are welcome to join …


12 2022


Rabbi Drorah Setel leads an in-depth discussion of the weekly Torah portion and highlights from the other books of th…


12 2022

PJ Library and TBE: Havdalah at Camp

6:30PM - 8:30PM  

Temple Beth El (Conservative)

Rochester, NY


Join us for a fun evening celebrating Havdalah and all things camp! Make some camp crafts, listen to…